Are You Spraying for Spiders in and Around Your Home

Are You Spraying for Spiders in and Around Your Home?

The summer months see a spike in the number of spiders and their activity. Spiders don’t typically come after the resources in your home, but they will still intrude to set up shop in a climate-controlled environment, making them pests. Inside your home, some spiders can effectively cut down on the number of other bugs you find. However, they can also get into inconvenient places, and some spiders are dangerous to humans. The Black Widow and the Brown Recluse are the two venomous spiders found in the US. Other spiders may still bite you, but their bites are not lethal. They’re still annoying.

You Can Keep Spiders Out of Your Home with Preventive Spraying

Even non-venomous spider bites still hurt and cause irritation. They can also cause discomfort for your pets. You can keep spiders out of your home by implementing preventive measures. Perimeter spray treatments around the base of your home can keep spiders away. Potential entry points like doors and window frames should receive your primary attention. You can also treat the inside of your home in the same spots. Try spraying around baseboards, door frames, and window sills to form a barrier against spiders.

Reduce the Favorable Conditions for Spiders Around Your Home

There are preventive steps that you can take to keep spiders away before you spray your home. These involve reducing the favorable conditions for spiders so that they aren’t encouraged to live around your property. Remove any ground cover that touches the walls of your home. Getting rid of any easy hiding places around the base of your house discourages spiders from living there and eventually venturing inside. You should also reduce yard clutter — keeping the grass mowed and raking up any leaves.

Light Repairs to Your Exterior Can Eliminate Entry Points

A little bit of maintenance to the exterior of your home is actually one of the best pest control steps that you can take as a homeowner. Pests — whether they’re spiders, ants, squirrels, or bats — need a way into your home. If you notice any cracks in your window and door frames, these could be the places where pests are entering. Making simple repairs to these areas makes it more difficult for pests to get inside.

Carmel Valley Pest Control Offers Professional Treatment for Spiders

The Carmel Valley Pest Control team can help you control spiders in and around your home. Spraying for these pests and eliminating friendly environments for them will keep them from infesting your property. Carmel Valley service is friendly, efficient, and thorough. To schedule service for your home, contact Carmel Valley Pest Control in Carmel Valley, CA, today at (858) 350-8838, (760) 736-8838, or (888) 989-8838.