Why Pests Want Inside Your Home

Why Pests Want Inside Your Home

Finding a pest infestation in your home is irksome, no doubt. You’ve already got all the tenants you want, so you’re definitely not looking to add some creepy crawlies to the roster. Your disdain for invasive critters is well-founded: these unwanted guests often serve as harbingers for bacteria and disease. You don’t want them in the house, but cockroaches and termites aren’t great at picking up on social cues. So why do they do it? Why do pests want inside your home so badly?

The Hunt for Food Leads Pests Inside Your Home

Everyone needs to eat. It’s no different for poly-legged pests. The aroma of food can attract ants and other bugs, drawing them toward available entrances to your home. Nearly everyone is familiar with the fear that sets in when you see even one ant inside your home. An entire colony could be waiting. Keep food containers sealed and avoid leaving snacks out on the counter to discourage scouts from bringing their compatriots inside.

Bugs Look for Shelter Too

While many insects may seem at home in the dirt, your house can make an ideal landing spot for pests as well. This is especially true when severe weather hits. Seasonal changes or significant amounts of precipitation can drive pests to seek shelter inside. Rodents seek warmer surroundings when the weather gets cold, and cockroaches always seem to find their way into vents and pipes during a big storm. Plus, if you’ve got a ready supply of food for them, they’ll probably never want to leave.

Remember, pests have the same basic needs as humans. They’ll always compete for resources when they can.

Need a Pest Expert to Help Remove Unwanted Guests?

Carmel Valley Pest Control are experts in pest control and pest-preventative building measures. If you’ve got some tenants who aren’t paying their share of the rent or mortgage, contact the experts at Carmel Valley to help oust these obnoxious overstayers. Call Carmel Valley Pest Control in Del Mar, CA at 858-350-8838.

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