
What Are Silverfish?

Have you opened a book or moved a box to find silverfish running around? It can be very disconcerting. Not only are they creepy looking, but who wants their house, especially their bookshelves, invaded by such nasty little creatures? If you are not sure whether what you are seeing are silverfish or not, silverfish can be whitish-grey or bluish-silver in color, are sort of teardrop-shaped, or skinny long things about 12 to 19 mm in length. They have long bristles on the rear of them, and can move very quickly.

The Secretive Life of Silverfish

Because silverfish like dark, secretive places, an infestation can go unnoticed for long periods of time, and they can reproduce very quickly. They have destructive feeding habits and can ruin books, papers, clothing, and wallpaper. In fact, you often find them in books or open boxes. They like dark, damp areas near paper or linen, and can be found in basements, attics, bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms.

How to Eradicate Them

To successfully treat a silverfish infestation, both adults and their eggs need eradicating. This is very difficult to do without a professional because traps and insecticides sold in stores kill individual silverfish but do not address infestations. If you have reason to suspect that a silverfish infestation is developing in your home, give us a call. We are professionals who can develop a customized treatment plan to rid your home of these irksome insects.


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