Summer’s Here and so Are the Ants

Summer’s Here, and so Are the Ants

There’s so much to love about summer — the longer days, the relaxed work schedule, the vacations. But with every excellent thing, there typically comes some not-so-excellent side effects. You probably thrive in the summer, but so do pests. When summer arrives, the ants do too. Ants aren’t like a horror movie villain, they don’t pose a direct threat to you. They’re more like a zombie hoard. It’s their numbers that make them so terrifying to homeowners. Once ants enter your home, they bring all of their friends and extended family. Pretty soon, you’ve got an infestation, and with a ready supply of food and water in your home, the ants aren’t likely to leave on their own. Here’s how you can keep ants out of your home this summer.

Seal Up Any Easy Ant Entry Points to Your Home

To keep a zombie hoard out of your home, you may nail boards into the window frames. Ants have the advantage of being much smaller than zombies. Ants need only a tiny crevasse from which to enter. Any cracks between your door and the frame, unsealed windows, or even worn down shingling on your roof can present a problem. Summer is the perfect time to give your home an inspection. Are there any breaches to the seal? Amend that before the ants find the entry point.

Don’t Give Ants the Resources They’re Looking For

Why do ants enter your home in the first place? It’s not because they love to bother you (though it can feel like that as a homeowner). Ants are always in search of the most hospitable living situation they can find. They want your food and water. If you have unsealed food containers or standing water in your home (a la dishes in the sink), you’re making your home more attractive to scavenging ants. Ensure all garbage cans and food containers are sealed to keep ants from scouting your home.

If You End Up with an Ant Problem, Call Carmel Valley

Perhaps you’re reading this blog because you already have an ant problem. If that’s the case, trust Carmel Valley for your pest control needs. The experts at Carmel Valley can quickly and efficiently remove pests and return your home to it’s natural order. For service, contact Carmel Valley Pest Control in Carmel Valley, CA, today at (858) 350-8838, (760) 736-8838, or (888) 989-8838.

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