Make Sure You’re Saving Money on Utilities

Make Sure You’re Saving Money on Utilities

As a homeowner, you have a list of monthly costs that you have to account for. Those include your mortgage and homeowner’s insurance, which are likely fixed costs. You also have variable costs like utilities. The good news about these variable costs is that you can take steps to keep them low. By adjusting your lifestyle habits, replacing old appliances, and tending to some basic maintenance, you can make sure that you save money on your utility bills every month. This week’s blog is a simple guide to keeping your utilities running efficiently.

Use a Smart Thermostat, or Stay Diligent

Using a smart thermostat can allow you to schedule temperature changes or make them remotely from your phone. This is a great way to reduce utility costs any time of year. If you’re not a home, you don’t need to be cooling or heating your entire house like you would while you’re home. If you aren’t using a smart thermostat, make an effort to adjust your thermostat throughout the day. Keeping it around 78 degrees during summer days and 69 degrees during colder months can help reduce your monthly bill.

Make Sure Your HVAC Unit Can Run Efficiently

Improving the efficiency of your home heating and cooling systems isn’t always a matter of replacing the units with newer models. Sometimes, there are basic maintenance steps you can take that will allow your home to heat and cool itself more efficiently. For one, make sure you’re changing out your air filter every month. A dirty air filter may allow dust to circulate around your home, and it will make the flow of air less efficient, meaning your A/C unit has to work harder. You should also examine the actual A/C unit for any obstructions. Any bushes or trees covering the unit may be causing it to run inefficiently.

Repair Leaky Pipes and Consider an Energy Efficient Toilet

Monthly water costs present another opportunity to save some money as a homeowner. It’s a good idea to examine the pipes throughout your home every couple of months. Leaks can cost you money, and they can also create a potential pest hazard. You may also want to look into getting a water-conserving toilet. Using less water per flush will add up in a pretty short amount of time. There are many energy efficient toilet models that still provide the same level of flush power as a traditional model.

Need Help with Home Repairs or Renovations?

If you’re ready to redo part of your home, or you need help with home repairs, Carmel Valley Pest Control is here. Our licensed contractors bring a big-picture perspective, that includes pest control measures, to the process. Learn more about our services by contacting Carmel Valley Pest Control in Carmel Valley, CA, today at (858) 350-8838, (760) 736-8838, or (888) 989-8838.

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