Pests Don’t Have to Get Inside to Be a Nuisance

Pests Don’t Have to Get Inside to Be a Nuisance

Everyone dreads the sight of a creepy-crawly skittering across the floor, or the sound of a rodent scratching at the walls. It means a pest has gotten into your home and is causing damage, posing a health risk, or just being a nuisance in general. However, pests don’t even have to get that far to pose a problem. Squirrels may attack your potted plants outside, tearing up your perfectly planted parsley to bury their acorns. Bigger rodents may tear up shingles on the roof or take up residence under your back porch. Termites can eat away at a home from within and without. The bottom line is, pests don’t have to get inside your home to be a nuisance to you. Here are some ways you can combat pesky pests.

Keep Critters and Harmful Bugs Out of Your Potted Plants

Gardening is a fun recreational hobby and a great way to provide yourself with some extra scenery or even some herbs and produce. However, squirrels and other animals aren’t the best neighbors. They have no sense of boundaries. They’ll dig your hard work right out of the ground to use your pots for their own project. Adding upside down garden stakes to your potted plant can prevent the annoying critters from digging. Sprinkling cayenne pepper on your plants and in the soil can also be a powerful deterrent. Have you ever rubbed your eye after cutting a jalapeño?

If bugs are a problem in your potted plants, you can often find predator bug egg packages online or at your local gardening store. These bugs that won’t harm the greenery, but keep greedy insects away.

Limit Access to Your Roof to Keep Pests from Becoming a Nuisance Inside or Out

Your roof is probably the most beneficial part of your home. Having a shelter from the elements all starts with an overhead covering. You want to protect your roof as best you can. Animals can cause damage to your roof or even wear just by walking around on it over a long period of time. It’s also an access point to potential entry cracks or the chimney. Keep surrounding tree branches away from your roof to eliminate an easy bridge for critters. Also be sure to inspect your roof regularly to look for any damage or cracks that pests could use to get inside.

For Serious Help With Pests, Call an Expert

Carmel Valley Pest Control is a trusted team of professionals that specialize in eliminating and preventing pests, as well as preventative construction practices. If you need to pest proof your home, Carmel Valley is the solution. Contact Carmel Valley Pest Control in Carmel Valley, CA, today at (858) 350-8838, (760) 736-8838, or (888) 989-8838 to rid your home and surrounding area of threats.