Use These Tips to Avoid Bites During Mosquito Season

Use These Tips to Avoid Bites During Mosquito Season

No one likes mosquitos, and there’s really no reason to keep them around. They’re pests that harm humans and pets alike. In addition to being annoying, their bites can also spread disease. You want to do all you can to avoid these pests. As summer wears into August, this is peak mosquito season. However, there are steps you can take to avoid ending up covered in red spots. Use these tips to avoid bites during mosquito season and ensure that you have a happy rest of your summer.

Avoid the Outdoors During Dawn and Dusk

While it’s typically much cooler outdoors at these times, they also make ideal conditions for mosquitos. At dawn and dusk you’ll see a higher number of mosquitoes outside, so if you can avoid being out and about at these times, it’s for the best.

Remove Any Standing Water that You Find In and Around Your Home

Stagnant water is a popular breeding ground for mosquitoes. Standing water around your property can cause mosquitoes to proliferate and become a problem for you. Check swimming pools, or areas of lower elevation in your yard. You’ll also want to check areas inside your house. A leak that leaves a standing puddle of water behind can lead to mosquito growth inside your home.

Use Deet-Based Repellent If You Will Be Outside for an Extended Period of Time

If you do find yourself outdoors for a significant amount of time, you’ll want to use a deet-based mosquito repellent to help keep mosquitoes away. Bug spray is an effective way to prevent these pests from coming after you. While candles and torches can help, directly applying repellent is the best way to keep mosquitoes off of you.

Contact the Experts at Carmel Valley Pest Control for Help Sealing Your Home

No one likes the irritating itch that comes with mosquito bites. You also don’t want to risk the negative health effects that mosquitoes can have on you. That’s why it’s best to be proactive with mosquito control. If your own methods aren’t getting the job done, talk to the experts at Carmel Valley Pest Control. The staff at CVPC will gladly help secure your home against mosquitoes and all other pests. Schedule a consultation by calling Carmel Valley Pest Control in Carmel Valley, CA, today at (858) 350-8838, (760) 736-8838, or (888) 989-8838.