How To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Home

How To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Home

Today is the first day of spring and with the beauty of blooming flowers and plants, longer days, and warmer weather comes spiders and all sorts of other unwanted pests. Spiders are actually beneficial to us humans because they feed on pests such as flies, mosquitos, roaches, earwigs, clothes moths, and more, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we want them in our homes, especially the ones that are not so friendly such as the black widow and the brown recluse.  Let’s face it, spiders are scary-looking even if they aren’t harmful. Arachnophobia is the fear of Spiders and is one of the most common fears in the world. About 50 percent of women fear spiders and 10 percent of men. Chances are, you’re not inviting spiders into your home, so find out how to keep them out.


The black widow spider is easy to recognize by the red hourglass on its abdomen. The brown recluse spider is called a recluse, because it hides and stays away from people, generally. You can recognize a brown recluse by the violin-shaped marking behind its head. While it is not likely that your home will be overrun by either of these types of spiders, there are about 40,000 species of spiders in the world and, just like you, they like the comfort of your home. Here are some tips for keeping them out:

  • Seal all cracks or holes around your home.
  • Repair holes/tears in your window screens.
  • Do not store wood piles near your home.
  • Trim plants, and remove trash and any other unnecessary objects around the perimeter of your house. This helps eliminate hiding spots and areas to lay eggs. Female spiders can lay up to 3,000 eggs.
  • Knock down their webs to eliminate their food supply.


In Addition…

In addition to taking the above precautions, call your local pest control service. They can spray the perimeter of your house and not only keep out spiders, but all sorts of nasty, pesky creatures that are trying to get in!


If You’re Tired Of Sharing Your Space With Spiders, Call Us!

If you’re tired of sharing your space with spiders and other pesky pests, Carmel Valley Pest Control can help! Located in Carmel Valley, CA, call us today at (858) 350-8838, (760) 736-8838, or (888) 989-8838.