Is Your Home Staged for Success?

So, you’ve decided to sell your home. You’re ready to put the property on the market and drum up some interest, but is your home ready for the process? If you haven’t taken the time to get your home prepared for a sale, you can slow your own timetable and leave yourself with extra stress. One of the biggest things that people forget to consider until the last moment is staging. Sure, you enjoy your house in a personal, intimate way. When someone comes to see it for themselves though, you need to make sure it’s presentable on a professional level. Staging your home for a sale takes some thought and effort.

Maximize the Space in Your Home by Staging Smart

Everyone wants an open home with plenty of space, and no matter the layout of your floor plan, there are steps you can take to create this feeling. First and foremost, make sure there isn’t too much stuff in your home. No one likes to see clutter, so don’t overfill your home. You should also consider grouping furniture together, away from walls. By creating small seating areas within your home — rather than lining the perimeter with chairs and couches, you will create more walkable space.

Make Your Rooms Inviting and Useful

Remember, you aren’t selling your home as you experienced it, you’re trying to show off its universal appeal. A great way to do this is by making sure every room has a use. Even if you don’t normally utilize a particular space in the home, create a purpose for that room when staging so that a potential buyer can see themselves using the space.

You can also make spaces seem inviting and useful with the lighting and paint in the room. Using multiple sources of soft lighting can make a room feel welcoming, while painting adjacent rooms the same color can make the spaces feel larger. Small steps like these can help your home sell quicker, and reduce your stress.

Carmel Valley Pest Control Can Help Your Home Get Market Ready

In addition to taking care of your home interior, you’ll also need a thorough inspection before selling. Carmel Valley Pest Control provides inspection services with quick turnaround times. Our friendly team can also help you address any areas that need sprucing up before your home hits the market. Learn more by contacting Carmel Valley Pest Control in Carmel Valley, CA, today at (858) 350-8838, (760) 736-8838, or (888) 989-8838.